Singing Guide: New Orleans Rhythm Kings

Singing Guide: New Orleans Rhythm Kings

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The New Orleans Rhythm Kings were one of the most influential jazz bands in the early 1920s. This legendary group featured a few different vocalists over their career, but one in particular stands out: Jelly Roll Morton. Morton was an incredibly talented pianist and composer, but he was also a fantastic singer with a unique vocal style.

If you want to learn how to sing like Jelly Roll Morton, there are a few key things you should focus on. One of the most important aspects of Morton's singing is his use of "growling." This technique involves producing a deep, guttural sound while singing, which adds a lot of character and texture to the vocals. You can learn how to do this by following Singing Carrots' "How to Growl Exercise" video.

Another important aspect of Morton's singing is his use of "scoops." This involves sliding up to a note from below, which creates a distinctive sound that is often heard in jazz music. You can practice this technique by using Singing Carrots' "Voice Break" video.

Some of Morton's most famous songs include "Doctor Jazz," "Black Bottom Stomp," and "King Porter Stomp." These songs are great examples of his unique vocal style, and they are also a lot of fun to sing. To learn these songs effectively, you can follow Singing Carrots' "How to Learn a Song Effectively" article.

In addition to these specific techniques and songs, there are also some more general tips to keep in mind when learning to sing like Jelly Roll Morton. For example, it's important to pay attention to your breathing and to practice good breath support. Singing Carrots' "Breathing Basics" and "Breath Support" articles are great resources for this.

It's also important to work on your articulation and to make sure you are opening up your mouth and throat properly while singing. Singing Carrots' "Articulation" and "Open Mouth & Throat" articles can help you with these skills.

Overall, if you want to learn how to sing like Jelly Roll Morton and the New Orleans Rhythm Kings, there are plenty of resources available to help you. By focusing on the key techniques and songs associated with this style of music, and by using Singing Carrots' numerous educational resources, you can improve your vocal abilities and start singing like a true jazz legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.